
At this section you can browse trough "I want to buy" offers, sent by prospective buyers to the realtors of TONYKO.

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Buy fully completed apartments, 45000€, Реф.No 221195, Region Burgas, Burgas city, Vazrajdane
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Buy fully completed apartments, 99000€, Реф.No 221197, Region Burgas, Burgas city
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Buy fully completed apartments, 25000€, Реф.No 221213, Region Plovdiv, Plovdiv city, Vastanicheski
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Buy house , 150000€, Реф.No 190058, Region Burgas
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Buy house , 50000€, Реф.No 310084, Region Plovdiv
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Buy house , 120000€, Реф.No 310165, Region Burgas, Burgas city
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Buy house , 1€, Реф.No 310166, Region Burgas
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Buy house , 30000€, Реф.No 310167, Region Burgas
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Buy house , 1€, Реф.No 310168, Region Burgas, Pomorie
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Buy house , 1€, Реф.No 310169, Region Burgas, Primorsko
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